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Until Midnight, final Clearance Conolidine™ frost Is Slashed To Just $29 Per bottle


This Is All We Have Left Worldwide

Official Notice: GDR Labs™ Is Closing

We are sad to announce that as of 1/17/2025 we have made the tough decision to close our laboratory and discontinue our product line. Below are liquidating all of our final inventory. Nothing new will be produced.

Effective Immediately, Conolidine™ Frost Has been moved to final liquidation

This Is Our Final Inventory

Conolidine™ FROST is a groundbreaking daily-use “roll-on” formulated to relieve pain upon skin contact! It contains the potent conolidine alkaloid that actively supports the flow of endorphins, the body’s internal painkiller, leading to less daily pain. Many scientists have compared the benefits of conolidine directly to opioids without the associated risks.  

Best of all, Conolidine™ FROST works quickly, with many users feeling pain relief benefits seconds after application.

Here Are The Science Backed Benefits:

  • "Opioid Like" Pain Relief
  • Simple "Roll On" Application
  • No Side Effects
  • No Addiction Risk
  • No Inebriation
  • Reduced Tissue Inflammation
 90 Day Purchase Protection Applied: Your GDR Labs™ purchase comes with complimentary 90 day purchase protection. This means you can return at any time, for any reason during the first 90 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked.

GDR Labs™ Has Shipped Over 2 Million rollers

  • "Roll-On" Relief
  • Final Clearance Pricing (Save 75%)
  • ​Extensively Tested (35,000 Participants)
  • Non-Addictive
  • ​Begins Working In Days
  • ​​Free Final Clearance Gift Card
  • ​​Ships FREE Worldwide
  • ​Complimentary 90 Day Purchase Protection

Conolidine™ Is Backed by years of Intense Clinical Research By Top US Doctors

Here is What Doctors Are Saying...

"Conolidine May be as Effective as Morphine for Pain Relief"

"Conolidine Natural Painkiller May Someday Eliminate Chronic Pain"

"Conolidine is a Potent Analgesic, Comparable To Morphine in Alleviating Inflammatory and Acute Pain, With Few, if Any, Side Effects"

"Conolidine Offers Pain Relief Without Complications"

To Date, Conolidine™ Has Helped Over 100,000 Americans Find Daily Relief...

Below Are Just A Fraction Of Those Stories In Video and Written Format, Make Sure You Read Them All The Way To The Bottom Of The Page. More Stories Flood In Daily.


Most Common Conolidine™ FROST Questions

 How Does Conolidine™ FROST Compare to Topical?

This is a VERY common question since both are topical products.

First and foremost, they are both highly effective and commonly used together.

However FROST is specifically designed for directly before and after physical activity.

Why? Its ingredients contain more aggressive "cooling" elements that help your achy joints prepare for or cope with physical activity.

It's amazing before any types of activity such as walks, runs, tennis, golf or really anything that requires physical effort.

Using before helps stimulate relief on currently achy (or soon to be achy) places so you can perform at your best.

It is also a great "directly after" recovery agent.

With that said, our traditional topical salve is better when you need relief at work our maybe lounging around at the house.

It is also better to use before bed, after a shower, due to its naturally soothing ability.

Overall, a majority of our customer use both with great success.

 How Does Conolidine™ Actually Work?

Conolidine™ is the first conolidine based pain reliever in the world.

It is also the first "pain relief" daily supplement to ever hit the market.

Traditional pain pills work by artificially interacting with your 4 main pain receptors, tricking your brain into relief (which is why you feel drugged up & risk addiction).

Conolidine™ works by optimizing your natural flow of endorphins, your natural pain killing peptides.

With your endorphin flow maximized, your daily pain simply melts away without any side effect risk.

Only one catch, you have to use it daily to keep your endorphins maximized. 

 How Do You Use Conolidine™ FROST For Maximum Benefit?


Conolidine™ FROST is for topical use only.

Simply roll it on any place that hurts (or normally hurts) before and after physical activity.

Most users feel relief as soon as instantly to within a few minutes.

You can apply as needed (even multiple times daily) based on your activity level.

 Will Conolidine™ Make Me Feel Drugged Up?


Actually, many report feeling a sense of well being - energized, focused and ready for the day (or night) after their daily serving.

 Can I Use Conolidine™ FROST More Than Once Daily?

Yes, you can roll on as needed, at any part of the day. 

 Is Conolidine™ CBD?

No. Conolidine™ does not contain any hemp or cannabis ingredients.

 Is Conolidine™ Legal?

Yes, Conolidine™ is legal in all 50 states and every country in the world. You can use and travel with it anywhere.

 Will Conolidine™ Show up on a Drug Test?

Conolidine™ is 100% Drug Free Certified. It has been tested against a panel of 400 banned substances.

Conolidine™ is suitable to be used by professional athletes. 

 What Type of Pain Does Conolidine™ Help?

Pain is very personal from person to person.

However, Conolidine™ is formulated to be used as a general "full body" pain reliever.

Scientifically it can ease pain wherever you apply it.

User results have also backed this up with success over every common type of pain imaginable.  

 When Should I Use Conolidine™ FROST?

Conolidine™ FROST is specifically designed for directly before and after physical activity.

Its ingredients contain more aggressive "cooling" elements that help your achy joints prepare for or cope with physical activity.

It's amazing before any types of activity such as walks, runs, tennis, golf or really anything that requires physical effort.

Using before helps stimulate relief on currently achy (or soon to be achy) places to you perform at your best.

It is also a great "directly after" recovery agent.

 Can I Use Conolidine™ With Other Health Conditions?

Firstly, I am not a medical doctor and cannot make health recommendations.

However, this is a great question as many "pain pills" can increase risk of other health issues.

I will say that none of the ingredients in Conolidine™ have reported health risks or side effects and it has been heavily user tested since 2017.

In fact, Conolidine™ actually has other health benefits such as a lift in mood.

 Can I Use Conolidine™ With Traditional Pain Management?

I cannot give medical advice.

With that said, Conolidine™ is drug free certified so it will not show up on the drug screenings conducted by pain management clinics.

Furthermore, many Conolidine™ users have experienced success in using conolidine with traditional pain management.

Users have reported boosted results while decreasing the dosage of synthetic pain pills.

Some have even abandoned synthetic pain management all together.

 Do I Need To Be In Pain To Use Conolidine™?

Absolutely not.

Many users use Conolidine™ FROST proactively.

They use it daily to fight the onset of pain from problematic areas.

Finally, if you are very active it can be an incredible recovery tool to fight muscle and joint soreness, just apply it on the muscles you are getting ready to use.

 How Does Conolidine™ Compare to Morphine?

Great question!

This is a big question due to the marketing floating around on Conolidine™.

Again, I will answer with clinical data.

When morphine was developed it was engineered to mirror the effects of Endorphins.

In fact, the term endorphins comes from "Endo Morphine" or "Internal Morphine".

Since conolidine is the only compound known to science that optimizes the flow of endorphins; its effects have been successfully compared to morphine.

Morphine like relief qualities without side effects or addiction risk.

 Will Conolidine™ Actually Work For Me?

Results will vary from person to person, as with all drugs and supplements.

However, the scientific findings and private testing have shown over a 90% success rate.

The results speak for themselves as over 100,000 users have reported relief around the world.

 Is Conolidine™ FDA Approved?

Any supplement that claims "FDA Approved" is a scam.

Only pharmaceuticals can achieve full FDA approval.

However, Conolidine™ is produced by GDR Labs™ where it is American made in an FDA audited facility per GMP standards.

 What if Conolidine™ Doesn't Work?

Steve will discuss this in detail but you are able to try Conolidine™ with no risk for 90 days which is plenty of time for you to fall in love with it.

If it doesn't safe and natural pain relief GDR Labs™ will allow you to return for a full refund.

Again, Steve and GDR Labs™ will discuss more of the risk free guarantee program.

 Where Is Conolidine™ Made?

Conolidine™ is exclusively manufactured and distributed by GDR Labs™.

It is 100% American made and fully produced in their FDA audited Atlanta, Georgia facility.

 Will I "Feel" it Working?

The "feel" of Conolidine™ is highly personal.

Some users don't feel anything right away.

Others feel nearly an immediate sense of relief.

The overall relief feeling is not as aggressive as the pain creams you may have used in the past.

The feel of Conolidine™ has been compared to turning down the heat on a stove.

You will have to try it to see how it affects you.

 Does Conolidine™ Have Any Concerning Drug Interactions?

I cannot give medical advice and all users have different drug combinations at play.

However, none of the ingredients in Conolidine™ have been shown to have negative drug interactions.

 Seriously, What Are The Side Effects of Conolidine™?

All ingredients in Conolidine™ have been verified as side effect free.

Additionally, GDR Labs™ has not reported any side effects over nearly five years of testing.

Conolidine™ will not inebriate you and it has not been linked to any addiction issues.

 Is Conolidine™ Crazy Expensive?

Steve with GDR Labs™ will get into pricing just below.

As you will read it is priced well below other pain relief protocols of same potency (with far more side effect potential).

Part of my development goal was to ensure it was affordable for the average American consumer.
  • No Side Effects - Compared to Morphine 
  • ​Non Addictive
  • ​Available OTC
  • ​Extensively Clinically Tested
  • ​Does Not Cause Drowsiness
  • ​​Certified Drug Free
  • ​​Results ​Proven During Clinical Testing

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 90 Day Purchase Protection Applied: Your GDR Labs™ purchase comes with complimentary 90 day purchase protection. This means you can return at any time, for any reason during the first 90 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked.
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health, and physical condition. The results shown are not typical, and you may not get the same benefits. However, using health support products and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise gives you the best chance at staying healthy and fighting premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is supplied with body function support, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. 

Individual results will vary, and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and natural health product inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products from this website. 

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GameDay Ready Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004